Wednesday, May 30, 2007

No More Paper Request Forms

Interlibrary Loan will no longer be accepting paper request forms. All requests should now be submitted electronically. You may use our online request forms, or you may submit your requests through I-Share or World Cat. If you need assistance using our electronic request options, please contact the Interlibrary Loan office at 298-2761. We are open M-F, 8:00 AM through 4:30 PM.

This change is in preparation for the launch of Illiad, which will require all requests be submitted electronically. We expect Illiad to be launched later this summer. Training will be available once the program is launched. In the meantime, you may preview Illiad here.

Of course, paper forms will be available in the event our computer system is down.

Friday, May 25, 2007

Copyright Law

For a fun introduction to copyright law (really, it is a FUN introduction), view this video.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

WESTCAT new features

Two new features recently made available by CARLI have been enabled within the WestCat Library Catalog:

1) The "New in the Catalog" button (top menu) enables users to search/browse for recent additions to WIU library collections. The interface has been locally customized so that search limits can be narrowed to major WIU formats/locations (e.g., Books in Malpass, Videos/DVDS in Malpass, Music Library). Users can place a variety of chronological limits on a search (e.g., yesterday, 1 week ago, 2 weeks ago, last month, 3 months ago) and/or may search for a specific Title or Author.

2) Users who click a Periodical title link within WestCat will automatically engage a query of WIU's instance of the SFX KnowledgeBase. A "Seeking Full Text" button on the Results page will momentarily "pulse" as the database query unfolds. An ISSN "match" will result in the display of the WIU Libraries "Find It!" button. Clicking this button opens the traditional WIU/SFX Menu listing access options.

For example, run a search for "Journal of Modern History" (Limit: "Journal/Magazine Title"). The resulting display notes complete JSTOR e-availability from 1929-2001, with InfoTrac/AcadSearch FT e-access through ~2005. The "Find It!" button will not appear within WestCat upon a "failed" SFX query (no ISSN match).

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Malpass Mocha, new look, Harry Potter & other news

Summer school is almost here. However, we have heard some of you have started classes already. Good luck this summer.

Due to plumbing problems the Malpass Mocha will be closed this summer.

The library and some of the branches have received new furniture. In the main library near Malpass Mocha there is a fireplace, an area rug, and two new sofas.

There will be a Harry Potter Community event coming soon to celebrate the new movie and the last book in the series.

The air conditioning is still off in the library but should be back online soon.

Your requests are coming in sturdily and have been ordered promptly.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Library Hours for Summer

ILL Hours are 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Monday - Friday.

The Main Library is open 7:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Monday - Friday until June 3rd.

Closed Weekends

ILL and the Library will be closed - Monday, May 28 in observance of Memorial Day.

Friday, May 4, 2007

Good luck on your finals

Your ILL staff send you wishes of success for finals week.